
  • Encore EQ Part 2 with David Brzozowski
    May 31 2024
    David Brzozowski is back with me on The Good Good Life talking Emotional Intelligence for your personal lives. EQ isn't just for being more effective at work. Let's chat about how to be more effective with your significant others, your children, and the outside of work organizations we all are involved with in different capacities. Improving your skills of Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management will help you enjoy this Good Good Life at even deeper levels.
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  • United in Uniqueness: Celebrating Our Differences
    May 24 2024
    In today’s episode we explore the profound impact that valuing differences can have on our personal lives, workplaces, and communities. What does it mean to value differences? It goes beyond mere tolerance to a genuine appreciation and celebration of the unique talents and attributes everyone brings to the table. Let’s get inspired, and inspire others to actively value and celebrate differences, fostering a more connected society.
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  • Encore Embracing Our Scars: From Open Wounds to Closed Chapters
    May 17 2024
    In this empowering show, we will explore the transformative process of healing from emotional wounds and overcoming adversity. Just as wounds evolve into scars, we delve into the profound journey of personal growth, resilience, and self-discovery. Discover how embracing our scars can serve as a powerful reminder of our strength, inspiring us to move forward with renewed courage and a profound sense of empowerment. Join me as I explore the path from pain to triumph, offering insights and strategies to help you navigate your own healing journey.
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  • Encore Anxiously Waiting – How to Alleviate the “Anxiously”
    May 10 2024
    Hurry up and wait! Do you ever feel like this is the story of your life? We rush here and there, only to arrive and be told to “wait.” Our need for instant gratification has increased over the years. We feel almost entitled to a quick response, not giving a thought to all the other people wanting a quick response, as well. We want it, and we want it now! Whether it is an answer to a question, a response to an email or text, a quicker method to check out at the grocery store, the results from a medical test, a prayer answered from God… we all live through seasons of waiting, yet we are pretty bad at the skill of waiting. In today’s episode I will share why we may need to wait, techniques that can ease the anxiety of waiting, and outcomes that proved the wait was worth it.
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  • Encore Turn Up the Heat on Your Life: One Degree Makes A Big Difference
    May 3 2024
    Water is hot at 211 degrees – but water boils at 212 degrees. Boiling water creates steam, and steam can power a locomotive. What would your life look like if you made some small adjustments? What would it take to go from being a good friend to an extraordinary friend? How about a decent spouse to a phenomenal spouse? A satisfactory employee to a superb employee? Goals unrealized to goals achieved? A little extra degree of effort can make all the difference in the fulfilling life you desire, but this takes drive and determination. On this week’s episode of The Good Good Life, we will talk about drive and determination, how these concepts complement one another, and how you can apply them to take action with commitment.
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  • Legacy of Hope
    Apr 26 2024
    What mark are you leaving on this world? Every day you leave a mark by your actions, the decisions you make, the kindnesses you demonstrate… in other words, you are building your legacy. What is a legacy? Simply put, it is the long-lasting impact of a person’s life. On today’s show you will hear from two passionate people working tirelessly to offer hope to those waiting for a transplant… they answered the call to build a legacy of hope.
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  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace
    Apr 19 2024
    Imagine sleeping on the floor every night. I’m not sure about you, but this thought sounds painful in so many ways. A bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs. However, across the U.S., too many boys and girls go without a bed – or even a pillow – to sleep on. These children end up sleeping on couches, blankets, and even floors. This can deeply affect their happiness and health. On today’s show, we are going to meet Chris Duren, a man that took on a personal mission to build beds for children that didn’t have one. His story is inspirational, and his message is love. Don’t miss this show!
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  • Listen, or Your Tongue Will Make You Deaf
    Apr 12 2024
    Shhhhhh. Did you hear that? Of course not. Why? Because you weren’t truly listening. Although we all believe we are great listeners, in fact, a study at Wright State University surveyed more than 8,000 people from different industries, and almost all rated themselves as listening as well as or better than their co-workers; the fact is most people struggle to listen. There is a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak. This week on the show Jan will discuss what true, heartfelt listening is and how it can change lives, including your own.
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